Thursday, 6 October 2011

Appointment for first midwife consultation and scan!

Wooo :)

My first appointment with the midwife is going to be at 9.30am on the 2nd of November, so only really three weeks away! We've to allow 1-2 hours for the consultation, and then the first scan is at 3.05pm on the same day :D

Depending on how far along I am, I might get another scan after that, but if I'm already at the 10/11 week mark that'll count as my first scan.

Michael will obviously be coming with me, but I think my mum is going to take us down as parking at our hospital is awful. I'm so happy that my mum's really coming round to the idea and seems to be quite looking forward to having a little grandbaby! The level of support we have is fantastic, and I'm so glad that everyone seems to be looking forward to meeting our little bundle.

And, I'm glad we now have a date to work towards... 2nd of November here we come!

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